• NZ’s most trusted safety brands

  • Prompt & Accurate Delivery

  • NZ-based Customer Service

  • NZ Owned & Operated

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We’re proud to stock NZ’s best

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If you’re looking for something specific, enter a keyword and quickly find exactly what you’re after! We’re always expanding our range to make sure you’re covered. If you can’t find what you’re after, get in touch and we’ll see if we can track it down for you!

Unbeatable Value You Can Trust

At the Deal Department, we guarantee the best prices on top-quality safety gear sourced from reputable, trusted suppliers. We strive to give you peace of mind, knowing you're getting exceptional value without compromising on safety or reliability. Shop with confidence and enjoy the best deals from New Zealand's most dependable safety brands.

Peace of mind.

Fast & Flawless Delivery: We understand that you need your safety gear yesterday, so we're dedicated to getting it to you in a jiffy and without a hitch. NZ-based Customer Service: Got a curly question? Need a helping hand? Our friendly, local customer service crew is just a click or call away, ready to lend a hand with a smile.

60 Day Guarantee

We know it takes guts to make a purchase, especially when it comes to your safety gear. That's why at the Deal Department, we offer a 60-day guarantee on all purchases. We're confident our safety gear will keep you safe and sound, and we've got your back(side) if it doesn't. So go ahead, take the plunge - we promise you won't regret it! Shop with confidence, knowing that at the Deal Department, we've got you covered.